Monday, July 27, 2009

What a SUMMER!

Wow, I can't believe it has been since May since I last blogged. I have had several ideas, just no time. It seems that a relaxing summer does not exist with 4 kids. I miss the routine of school days. We have already started back because it was time to get back to normal. Our summer seemed to be busier than the rest of the year by far. It is nice to get back into the familiar swing of things and it brings a peace to our house. We all seem to be ready for the normalcy of life.

Tonight while we were offering up our petitions, my almost 7 year old began her prayers and I was utterly amazed at how beautiful her prayers were. Don't get me wrong, she has always been a prayerful child (even during the most unusual times), but tonight she was noticeably different. It's almost as if the graces she will receive this sacramental year have started flowing early. Normally her prayers are centered around normal 6 year old things. But tonight, they were all about asking God to take control of her life and guide her decisions. Such powerful ideas coming from this child who still has a few days left as a 6 year old.

When God tells us to we need to become as little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, I think this was exactly what He meant. How many of us take the time to stop each day and ask God to guide our thoughts, words and actions. We may offer them up in our daily offering, but do we ask for help to make them positive thoughts, words and actions. Simplicity is a thought that comes to me over and over lately and I think it's pertinent in our prayer life. We do not need fancy things to offer to God, just our time. How much more peaceful are we when we allow Him to take the lead and we follow. Just as children follow their earthly parents, we must follow our Heavenly Father.

I am constantly blown away by the roses that are shown to me through my children. I pray that I can learn from each of them and not let an instant of this pass me by. I hope I don't let another day pass without asking God for help in seeing all that I am to learn through my children. Sometimes I wonder who the better teacher is, me or them.

Please continue to pray for us as we are praying for you all! Peace in Christ!

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